Home Sound FX Microsoft Windows Start up Sounds Windows XP. CATEGORY: SOUND FX RIGHTS. Play 'Windows XP' Sound: Share 'Windows XP' Sound: Download 'Windows XP' Sound: Download Sound. Back to Microsoft Windows Start up Sounds. Related Boards: Sirens and Alarms. 19 Tracks 602813 Views. 35 Tracks 723665 Views. Hello, I have a Dell Dimension 4700C with Windows XP sp2. The little jingle that plays when Windows starts up is distorted. Instead of the crystal clear sound we are used too, the sound is crackled and distorted. Unfortunately, all other sounds play distorted as well. Mp3 audio, Commercial CD music.
While the world today is preparing for the launch of Windows 10, I’m taking a walk down memory lane. I’m doing an install of Windows XP only to enjoy the installation music. Check out these wonderful New Age music songs that only are available on the first startup of this old OS!
For us who enjoy instrumental pieces, much great material are available as background music in commercials, movies and technology. The success of the New Age music genre of the late 1970s and early 80s had for instance a profound impact on computer games music – and technology in general – that can be heard today. For instance, check out Samsung’s famous Over the Horizon, which has been made in many different versions. What an amazing New Age music song!
Remembering Windows XP
When the install of Windows XP is complete, the below music is what you hear. Next time you boot up, the music is gone (it can be found at this file location though: C:WINDOWSsystem 32oobeimages)
Since 2001 there has been a discussion about who made the first song. Was it Brian Eno (unlikely) or was it Suzanne Ciani (more likely, though unconfirmed – if you have «solid proof», please let me know)? Anyway, here’s the brilliant song:
- Windows XP Installation Music
What a wonderful melody, with its laid back atmosphere and, interestingly enough, Gregorian singing in the end! Whoever made this did a great job!
We know a lot more about the making of the next Windows XP songs. They are composed by Bill Brown (the short clips might very well be some of the most played music ever, given their central placement in Windows XP). I think they are equally amazing:
Windows Xp Windows Startup Sound Mp3
It remains to be seen what music that’s hidden in Windows 10. Let’s go exploring!