Quantum Break Patch Download Pc

Quantum Break was released for Windows 10 and Xbox One on 5 April by Remedy Entertainment, but because the game is only available for users with Windows 10 and DirectX 12 support in the Windows Store, many players were again disappointed by Microsoft release.

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Quantum Break, much like the majority of recent Windows 10 ports, released in a rather sorry state with plenty of bugs, annoying performance issues, constantly active film grain, and worst of all, surprisingly muddy graphics due to the game's engine essentially upscaling from 720p into 1080p. Thankfully, with the most recent Update 1.7 the majority of these issues have finally been resolved.

Because the game is a PC port, a lot of gamers are encountering Quantum Break errors and issues that are making the game unplayable. These issues are related to graphics, the stability of the game, framerate and stutter. Remedy Entertainment is working hard to release a patch that will fix this issues so you can finally play the game.

Until then you can follow our guide below, in which we provide solutions for the top 10 most common and encountered Quantum Break issues. First, make sure that you meet the system requirements below to run the game properly.


Minimum Specifications:

  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4460, 2.70GHz or AMD FX-6300
  • RAM: 8GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R7 260x
  • DirectX: DirectX 12

Recommended Specifications:

  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 4690, 3.9GHz or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 16GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 390
  • DirectX: DirectX 12

Ultra Specifications:

  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 4790, 4GHz or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 16GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti or AMD Radeon R9 Fury X
  • DirectX: DirectX 12

Below you can find solutions, workarounds and quick fixes to fix the issues in Quantum Break. We provide fixes for PC and also for consoles. Please note that the fixes below are not official and that you can wait for an official patch that fixes them. But until then take a look below and see if you can fix your issue by following our tips.

How to Fix Quantum Break Errors:

Curious to see how Quantum Break runs on the PC? John and Rich, from Digital Foundry take a closer look, highlighting all the key performance issues we encountered.

1) Quantum Break Crashes, there are a lot of crashes in the PC version of the game, mainly Startup Crashes but also random crashes like Game not responding and a crash resulting in APPCRASH. Some users are also encountering Black Screen problems. Follow the tips below to fix this kind of issues.

Solution: You can simply fix the crashes by applying our patch to the game, you can find it at the end of the post.

“After downloading the game I was surprised to see that it won’t start at all. A white window with two faces pops up for less than a second and then disappears. The first time I tried to start the game the window remained on screen for about a second, now it just flashes one time. Hopefully Remedy can help me out here.” – eminem0081 on RemedyGames Forum

  • Make sure that you have the latest version of Windows 10 installed
  • Update your GPU drivers to the latest
  • Check your antivirus/firewall, maybe it blocks the game and add it to the exclusion list
  • Reinstall DirectX to fix the APPCRASH issue
  • To fix the Black Screen issue make sure that your game resolution is matching your Desktop resolution
  • Also, try to run the game in windowed mode if nothing above works
  • “File IO Failure” – Developers said that “It’s an issue caused by having a Unicode based user account. We’re working on fixing it ASAP, will update this thread with the latest status.”

2) Quantum Break FPS Issues, Low FPS, and Stuttering, because the game requires a lot of computer resources, you need to have a very good high-end Desktop or Laptop to run it without performance issues. Follow our workarounds below to improve your performance of the game.

Solution: With our patch, that you can find below, you can simply fix the FPS and Stuttering issues of the game.

  • Make sure that if you have AMG graphics card you use the latest Crimson Edition Radeon 16.4.1 Hotfix drivers for this game. Also, if you have AMD disable Raptr from Task Manager and set ‘Tessellation mode’ to 8x/16x from your Crimson Edition Radeon 16.4.1 Hotfix software and turn off Vsync
  • Disable G-Sync and V-Sync
  • Lower the game graphics and also the resolution
  • If you are using NVidia set Power Management Mode option to Prefer Maximum Performance
  • Set the Quantum Break process from Task Manager to High Priority
  • Try to install the game on an SDD
  • To fix the game freezes and lag try this workaround: Right click MyComputer > Properties > AdvancedSystemSettings > Advanced > Performance Settings > Advanced > Change Virtual Memory. Set page file for C drive to be anything high (around 5GB)

Also, a few users reported that if they use the 30fps Lock they have more performance issues. So try to disable this function.

“With the 30fps Lock on the game stuttered, hanged while opening a door… was a poor experience.

With the FPS lock turned off, no stutters, no hangs or issues. Performance is not were it should be. But, it’s definitely worse with the FPS cap turned on. On Nvidia hardware that’s partially to blame on the drivers. They need to release a new set with specific optimizations for the game, a set that fixes current issues faced in the past few sets. Also, hopefully when the Win10 Store update rolls out and allows users to disable V-sync that will also help.” – Damien_Azreal on RemedyGames Forum

3) Quantum Break SaveGame Issues, some players reported that a bug in the game causes all SaveGames to be lost, on older versions of Windows 10. To fix this issue follow the solution below.

Solution: Make sure that you are running the latest version of Windows 10, if not update the os. And make sure that you signed in with your Xbox profile when you started the game.

4) How to quit Quantum Break?

It seems that the game doesn’t have an exit button in the menu. To leave the game you need to press simultaneously Alt+F4.

5) Quantum Break Cross Save Issues, this features enables you to continue the game on Windows, where you have left on Xbox and vice-versa. This helps you keep your progress synced through your platforms. Follow the tips below if you have issues with this feature.

  • Make sure that you are signed in with your Xbox Live account on your PC and Xbox One
  • Check your internet connection and see if it works fine, if not troubleshoot Xbox One Network settings and Windows 10 network connections
  • Synching between platforms takes time, so wait a few minutes before switching
  • Restarting the game will result in an automatic sync of your game

6) Quantum Break No Pre-Oder Bonus, if you haven’t received the code for the pre-order bonus items you need to wait a few more days because Microsoft said that they will deliver the codes via Xbox system message within 7-10 days after the game has launched, meaning Friday 15th of April latest.

7) Quantum Break No Sound, this issue was encountered by Xbox One players. To fix it follow the quick solution below.

Solution: You are encountering this issue because your speakers are stereo and Xbox One Audio Output is set as surround or vice-versa. To fix this go to Xbox One Settings, here check audio and set force stereo audio output for stereo speakers or vice versa.

8) Quantum Break Download Stuck, if your download is stuck at 99% try to disable your firewall and antivirus because it is a false positive.

Quantum Break Patch Download Pc

Fix for the Major Issues:

Quantum Break Pc Game Pass

Our team of developers managed to release a patch that helps you fix the errors described above. You can see how our patch looks like below, where you can also find a tutorial on how to use it and a download link. Please follow the tutorial step by step before asking any questions regarding your issues. Our patch won’t interfere with your Steam account, it will just change some files and .dll in the game folder in order for the errors to be fixed.

Follow the tutorial below to apply the patch correctly to your game.

How to apply our patch:

  1. Download the archive of the patch from here: download
  2. Extract the downloaded archive on your PC, and open the patch from the folder.
  3. Your GPU will be selected automatically, make sure that you use your dedicated GPU if you have a laptop!
  4. Select the game executable from the game folder, if you used the default install folder it should be: “C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamappscommonQuantum Break”
  5. Select your issue or issues from the box to the right and click the corresponding “Fix” button.
  6. After your errors are successfully fixed you can click the “Launch Game” button and play the game.

How to download: Well, you might think that our download service is pretty annoying but is very effective. To download you just need to complete a simple offer, it usually takes a few minutes, and after that, you will be able to download the patch. We use this service because is the only way to support our developers and to keep releasing and updating patches for games. Thank you! We hope you understand us and have fun playing Quantum Break!

We hope that our guide helped you fix your Quantum Break errors and that now you are playing the game and trying to finish it. As you can see in the quote from the Gamespot’s review of the game, getting to the end of it can be an interesting ride.

“Getting to the end of Quantum Break can be an interesting ride at times, but no matter how impressive the combat is, or how great the game looks, there’s no getting around the fact that it’s driven by a story with limited appeal and hindered by disappointing design decisions,” GameSpot’s Peter Brown said in the Gamespot review.

If you are encountering other issues or if you are unable to apply our solutions and workaround to your game please comment below and we will help you fix your game.

Although Quantum Break did release on PC day and date with the Xbox One version, Remedy’s newest game suffered on the PC by being constrained by the limitations that UWP, the new platform by Microsoft for software that they use for all games that they publish on PC these days, places on them. This includes, among other things, the lack of basic features and functions like F-Sync and FreeSync.

Well, a new patch for Quantum Break, due out within the next two weeks, has been announced, and it will apparently fix the game and add these features into the PC version of the game. Apparently, the new patch has been made possible by the new Windows 10 update that makes these kinds of features possible for UWP apps.

As of right now, we don’t have a more concrete release window, but as and when we do, we will let you know. Quantum Break is out now on PCs running Windows 10, as well as the Xbox One.

We are close to getting update 3 done for Win10 @QuantumBreak It will include G-Sync/FreeSync support now that the Win10 update is out

— Thomas Puha (@RiotRMD) May 16, 2016

Quantum Break Pc Torrent

Close meaning within the next two weeks, hopefully sooner.

Quantum Break Pc Download

— Thomas Puha (@RiotRMD) May 16, 2016