Hd2016 Led Software For Mac

Downloads software for LED display systems and electronic sports timing systems. Electronic Systems.

Novastar LED Control Cards hardware data Download. Novastar Video Player Software SMARTLCT, Novastar Synchronous Control Software NOVALCT-MARS, NovaStudio, Novastar Asynchronous Control Software PlutoManager, NovaLCT-Pluto, NovaSign for Android and NovaShow Donwload.

Quick Through To:

1 Novastar Vidoe Player Controller

1.1 Novastar LED Video Player Controller Software Download

1.1.1 SmartLCT V3.0 for MAC Computer Download

1.1.2 SmartLCT V3.0 for Windows Computer Download

2. Novastar Synchronous Control System Software Download

2.1 Novastar Synchronous Controller Hardware Update Package Download

2.1.1 MCTRL660 Hardware Update Package Download

2.1.2 MCTRL600 Hardware Update Package Download

2.1.3 MCTRL300 Hardware Update Package Download

Hd2016 Led Software For Mac

3. Novastar Asynchronous Control Software

3.1 PlutoManager V5.0.1 Download

3.2 NovaLCT-Pluto V5.0.1 Download

4. Novastar Tool Software Download

4.1 Framework 4.0 Download

Buy Novastar LED Cards at ledcontrollercard.com Online Store

Please Email Us at [email protected] if you need further more software of Novastar Control Software.. We are happy here to give you service. Please Visit ledcontrollercard.com to buy more Novastar LED Controller for your LED Display Screen, LED Sign.


I got my screen linked, what next?

We recommend checking out our 5-minute video guide on getting started, it covers most of the basics.

How do I set up the display in portrait mode?

See the OSX section of our portrait guide.

The mouse cursor is visible after restart?

It can be that other software in the system can interfere with our application and steal focus after our app has launched, this prevents our app from hiding the cursor. It can be easily fixed with a 3rd party software that will hide the cursor on OS level after a set time of inactivity, try Cursorcerer!

Where are the files stored?

The player downloads files to ~/Library/Application Support/PlaySignage/assets

Can I run several instances of the application?

By default, the application enables a maximum of one window, however in situations where you have a Mac machine with several monitors you may need to run one player application per each monitor. To do this, you need to set a different data directory for each application window using the --data-dir parameter, for example:
open /Applications/PlaySignage.app --args --data-dir=/path/to/storage/folder

How do I run the app on my secondary display?

Hd 2016 software, free download


To run the app on your secondary display go to OPTIONS in the app and choose your preferred display.

If your primary display goes black you need to change your settings in Mission Control. Open System Preferences, click Mission Control and then toggle Displays have separate Spaces.

Hd 2016 Led Software For Macbook

How do I update the player software?

There is a built-in auto-updater, however, in certain circumstances, the software is not automatically updated. You can apply the update manually without having to link the screen again:

  1. Close player application if it’s running.
  2. Download the latest version.
  3. Double-click on the downloaded .dmg file.
  4. Drag the app to the Applications folder (See step 2)

The plugins don’t work

If one or more plugin doesn’t work on your Mac OSX, it’s possible that the PlaySignage app on your player device is out of date. Click here to learn more.

Hd 2016 Led Software For Macbook Pro

How do I access OPTIONS if I disabled the top menu bar?

Hd 2016 Led Software Download

In the APP options, you can hide the top menu bar if you for example are running a touch screen. To access the top menu bar, when hidden, you can use CTRL + O for options or CTRL + Q to close the APP.